Sept. 17 “Return of the Elwha” film screening at 6 p.m. at the Orcas Center

— from Carol McGrath for Long Live the Kings–

Long Live the Kings(LLTK) is hosting a film screening of Return of the River, an award-winning feature documentary about the Elwha Dam removal and river restoration. The screening will take place on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the Orcas Center. The film will be followed by a Q&A with Co-Director/Producer, Jessica Plumb and LLTK Executive Director, Jacques White.

“Return of the River provides a visually dynamic perspective on one of the great NW and U.S. conservation stories of the last 100 years – the removal of two dams blocking salmon migration up river and sediment flow downstream in one of the most rugged and protected areas in the lower 48 states. The story is as much about the people as it is about the place, and how through persistence, commitment and constructive dialogue, what was once unthinkable became attainable. The movie should inspire us to think about what is important and what is possible when we aspire to work together.” –Jacques White, Executive Director, Long Live the Kings

This event is open to the public. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Suggested donation at door.