Friday, June 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Eastsound Fire Hall; registration deadline June 14

From the Orcas Island Community Foundation

With over 100 nonprofits on Orcas, chances are you volunteer or work for one or more organizations. It is likely that you occasionally find yourself mulling over issues, real or imagined, that could steer your organization off track. If so, the Orcas Island Community Foundation’s forthcoming Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Workshop is for you!

ERM is a management tool used today by the boards and leaders of many large companies and nonprofits worldwide. It helps them identify the most serious risks that could impede the attainment of their organizations’ goals, and take action in advance to mitigate those risks. This workshop will help boards, volunteers and staff become more able to
(1) identify their priority goals,
(2) name the most salient threats to attainment of those goals,
(3) describe the steps they are taking to manage their most significant risks, and
(4) evaluate their success over time in mitigating risk and achieving success.

The model that will be presented by Frank Topper at the forthcoming workshop was developed at Stanford University and Stanford University Hospitals in the mid-1990’s. It has been credited with significantly helping Stanford maintain its position as one of the most successful higher education and health care institutions in the world, and doing so at very modest cost in terms of both dollars and time invested.

The ERM for Nonprofits Workshop will be held on 24 June from 9 am to 3 pm at the Eastsound Fire House on Mt. Baker Road. Thanks to a generous underwriter, the cost for the day is $50 per organization, and organizations are encouraged to bring multiple participants. Please RSVP to OICF (376-6423) by June 14th.

Lunch will also be available at a cost of $5 per participant if preregistered.