Free Introductory Presentation, Thursday, June 5 at 7 p.m. at Heartwood  House 70 Langell Lane; Saturday workshops 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Karen Rollins will present a free introductory presentation and two intensive workshops on Orcas Island  from June 5 to 7. Rollins is hosted on Orcas Island by Marilyn McGuire and Gretchen Krampf.

A nationally recognized speaker on health and the intuitive process, Karen has presented at numerous events, expos, and has been featured on various radio shows for more than 15 years. With a global client base, Karen travels extensively, “empowering others to be at their optimum health and vitality.”

Rollins’ formal presentations will take place Saturday, June 7, in morning and afternoon sessions.

Part I 9 a.m. until noon:
Our bodies are fields of vibrational energy – physical and emotional patterns creating a state of health or dis-ease. This initial look at understanding homeostasis provides a simple, yet effective way of scanning the body’s energy fields and aura. This allows you to tune into “hot spots” or areas of imbalance.

Our internal and external environment creates dramatic changes in our bodies. Whether it’s the food we eat or the stress we experience in our daily lives, there are simple, positive influences to bring balance and perspective. We will also discuss a variety of options – maximizing optimum health and vitality – in realizing a state of balance and harmony.$45 for 3 hour workshop. Includes handouts.

Part II 1:30 -3:30 p.m.: Sacred Energies of the Maya Peoples – Birth Energy Analysis. According to the Maya Sacred Tzolkin Calendar, birth energies create a framework of “who we are” – our strengths and shadows within this multidimensional vibration. Understanding this framework is a foundation for their daily life, but also illuminates details advantageous to health and well being. Imagine these diverse energies, available in physical and non-physical worlds, balancing stressors in our life? Could we tap into our ability to heal innately?

The science of Epigenetics states we can change our DNA response by changing our internal and external environment. The Maya Calendars state our co-creational frequencies have dramatically increased in both intensity and speed. Is there a point where these beliefs merge? How would Medical Intuitiveness enhance this process of reframing our DNA responses by processing stress in our worlds? The presentation is designed to incorporate the energy patterns discussed in Part I with the insights of an ancient civilization known for its science, technology and deep understandings of multidimensional energy. $30 for two hour workshop. Includes handouts.

Attend Part I and II for $65 (Savings of $10).

Karen is also available for personal sessions with clients during the day on Thursday, June 5 and Friday, June 6. All sessions will be held at Heartwood on Orcas, 70 Langell Lane, Eastsound. During these thirty or sixty minute sessions, tap into your greater/higher self, angels and guides for insight and options. This always respects your right to free will and choice. $45 for thirty minutes; $85 for sixty minutes.

Electronic Kinesiology (BioEnergetic Scans) is a simple technique for perceiving information similar to muscle testing. This conversation with the client’s body poses questions and the responses given provide information about what is happening or not happening. Common scans include Overall Body System, Food Sensitivities, Lifestyle Stress or Digestive System Scans. $50 includes printout of scan results.

Facial Reflexology Follows the theory that parts and systems of the body are reflected in the face. By combining acupressure points, meridians and body maps this holistically creates a unique sequence of points for each individual. Releases body tension and a feeling of homeostasis and wellbeing. This highly relaxing technique incorporates 100% pure Rosehip oil. Approximately 60 minutes – $50

Raindrop Technique® is a revolutionary way to look at bringing balance and harmony to the body – physically, mentally and emotionally. By using aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage, applying essential oils to various areas of the body brings structural and electrical alignment. This balance is created through relaxing and mild application – aligning body energy centers and release, if blocked. Approximately 60 minutes – $80.

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils Consultations Historically, essential oils have played a prominent role in everyday life. With more than 200 references throughout the Bible, essential oils were used for anointing and healing the sick. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherapy; massage therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions, and much more. $75 for consultation. Includes custom designed Young Living Essential Oils 5ml Roll On.

For information or scheduling 337.794.0062 or email ,