— from Susan McBain, Orcas Issues reporter —

Three senior executives from Island Hospital—Charles Hall, CEO; Elise Cutter, COO; and Patty Codd, Director of Clinic Operations—attended the July 30 special meeting of the Orcas Island Health Care District. They were there to present details of their proposal to operate a consolidated medical clinic on Orcas Island and to answer questions from the community and District commissioners.

As usual at recent District meetings, a PowerPoint presentation began the discussion. It included background information on Island Hospital (IH), major aspects of the proposal, and many details. View the presentation by clicking here, then clicking 2020_07_30 Special Meeting Board Packet under
Calendar Year 2020, then selecting 2020-07-30 IH Orcas Vision Overview 2020.

A question in the minds of many community members over the last few weeks has been, why did IH leave its partnership with the medical clinic twice in the last 20 years, and why do they now feel it’s appropriate to return? The presentation’s answers:

  • IH left because of increasing financial deficits year over year, dwindling philanthropic support on Orcas, and distribution of resources between multiple Orcas clinics.
  • IH wants to return because conditions for a successful partnership are much improved: a consolidated clinic model vision, a sustainable financial relationship with the District, and opportunities for closer collaboration with EMS and the community.

IH intends to offer all the primary care services listed in the District’s Request for Proposal, and proposed three areas of additional services:

  • extended hours whereby the clinic would stay open all year until 7 p.m., and in the busy summer months would add Saturday hours;
  • an EMS RN to support home services and management of chronic conditions, as part of the EMS Community Paramedicine program; and
  • integrated behavioral health services at the Orcas clinic, including a licensed Clinic Social Worker.

Details of these services will be worked out during contract negotiations if the District decides to proceed—a decision scheduled for this week, on Tuesday, Aug. 4.

IH will put in place a variety of new patient support services, including a patient liaison dedicated to Orcas patients who can coordinate off-island care, appointments, and linkage to services; anticipate care requirements and care team needs prior to a visit; and assist patients who may need transportation or lodging on the mainland.

Another service will be a specific phone line for scheduling appointments for Orcas residents, staffed by an IH person knowledgeable about island medical services and special needs. Callers will also be able connect directly to the on-island staff.

IH offers extensive telehealth services, including several areas of specialty care, psychiatry and behavioral health, and prenatal/maternal/infant support services. Telehealth services will be available for after-hours care when necessary, including connections with the Emergency Department.

IH’s patient portal allows patients to send messages to providers, view test results and reports, request appointments and prescription refills, and look at their medical history via a Continuity of Care Document. The document is a means of communication between electronic medical record systems
(EMRs). It will allow sharing of some, but not all, patient medical history data between IH’s MEDITECH EMR system and others, such as EPIC.

To access Tuesday’s 5 p.m. Zoom meeting, go to the District’s Meetings Calendar and click the link on August 4. Zoom sign-in information is within the calendar listing.