— from Jeff Otis —

How important is the future of Eastsound to you?

What will Eastsound be like in twenty years? What role would you like to play in answering that

Should Eastsound evolve on its own in accordance with existing regulations and whatever
market forces are brought to bear, or should it be guided by the conscious intentions of the
citizens of Orcas Island?

It’s your village and your choice.

As part of the continuing series of workshops on the Vision for Eastsound, the Eastsound Planning and Review Committee (EPRC ) invites you to participate in an intensive community driven process of updating the Eastsound Subarea Plan.

Your help is needed to make the changes to the Eastsound Subarea Plan that will implement the community vision. To facilitate this process, subcommittee work groups of the EPRC will be
formed and tasked with the responsibility of formulating recommendations to the EPRC for
revising the goals and policies of the Eastsound Subarea Plan. The subcommittees will be divided into the following categories: Livability, Character, Open Spaces, Parking and Roads, and Opportunities.

The groups will get under way in the beginning of April. If you haven’t already registered to participate please do so by Apr. 3 at doebay.net/eprc/eprccategoricalworkshopregistration.html.

You can make a difference in the future of Eastsound.

For additional information contact Jeff Otis at jeffo@rockisland.com, or Fred Klein at freddythek10@gmail.com

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