Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement today following the Food & Drug Administration’s approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for the prevention of disease from COVID.

“The Food and Drug Administration’s full authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine today is a great milestone in our fight against this deadly pandemic. People who get vaccinated should be more confident than ever in the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine. It does not just save the lives of individuals; it can save entire communities from further devastation.

“More than half of American adults have been fully vaccinated against COVID, either through the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The result is that at least 170 million Americans, and more than 4 million Washingtonians, have robust protection from this virus. We can already see this in the fact that 95% of COVID hospitalizations in our state are among the unvaccinated. It is clear there is no safer, faster or more effective way to stop the transmission of this virus than through vaccination.

“Washingtonians can make informed decisions about getting this preventative treatment. Talk to your health provider about whether this is the right decision for you.”