— from the Office of Governor Jay Inslee —

On Monday, Gov. Jay Inslee and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal announced the extension of K-12 school closures through the remainder of the academic year

The order provides a direction for schools as they plan for the remainder of the school year. Under the order, schools are expected to continue education delivery through distance learning and continue to make progress in providing these services equitably.

Under the order, school facilities may continue to be used for preparation of food service, child care and, under very limited circumstances, to provide other social services that are not possible to be provided off-site. At all times, these services are only allowed if they follow public health guidelines.

To protect the health of students, staff, and providers, the intention is not that school buildings should be open and serving all students with significant needs. The intention is to provide districts with the ability to provide essential and necessary in-person services to individual students in the very rare circumstance that the services cannot be provided at a distance.