COVID, yes, but also Gypsy Moths

— from Governor Jay Inslee’s Office —

Gov. Jay Inslee issued two emergency proclamations today. One is in response to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and the other is related to non-native gypsy moths. 

The two proclamations are as follows: 

  • Maintaining access to the ballot: This proclamation waives/suspends the statutory requirement that candidates for public office must submit a filing fee petition with registered voters’ signatures if they cannot afford to pay the filing fee. During the COVID-19 emergency, signature gathering runs contrary to recommended public health practices, so candidates for public office may now submit a filing fee petition without collecting those signatures.
    Read the full proclamation here.
  • Gypsy moths: This proclamation makes a formal finding that there is an imminent threat of non-native gypsy moth infestation in parts of Snohomish County. This order authorizes the Department of Agriculture to respond to that threat of infestation with emergency measures, including aerial spraying.
    Read the full proclamation here.