Sunday August 5, 10 am – 5 pm at Camp Indralaya

By Leonie Van Gelder

The Sidhe (pronounced Shee) are the Celtic overlords of the realms of Faerie. The name means the People of Peace, and a number of esoteric teachers and writers consider them the “cousins of humanity,” evolving in parallel alongside us but in the subtle realms.

“Kinship with the Sidhe: Exploring our links with the Faerie Otherworlds” is a  one-day workshop at Indralaya in which we will use the new Card Deck of the Sidhe, developed by David Spangler and artist Jeremy Berg in co-creation with the Sidhe themselves, to explore contact with the Faerie Realm and discover our own power to bring healing and blessing to our world.

David Spangler writes: “This deck started with a vision for the whole deck. As we worked on it, specific ideas and images began to come from our Sidhe partner. Both Jeremy and I would awaken in the morning or have contact during the day with specific images in mind and with ideas and patterns. Our Sidhe partner was communicating with both of us and we were receiving suggestions—sometimes the same suggestion—from this being who was taking a very involved and “hands on” approach to the creation of this card deck.”

Presenter: Jeremy Berg, MCS lives in Everett, WA and is owner of the Lorian Press. He is the author of The Gathering Light, artist for the Card Deck of the Sidhe, and a Lorian priest. Jeremy is the coordinator of Lorian Education. His work includes architectural design, teaching and administration.

Come join us, Sunday, August 5, 10 am – 5 pm at Indralaya. The lunch break will be two hours, from 12:30 – 2:30).

Cost: $70 includes the Sidhe card deck developed by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg valued at $33 and lacto-ovo vegetarian lunch.

For more information, contact Indralaya at 360/376-4526,, and 360 Indralaya Road Eastsound WA 98245.