James McCafferty, Business Advisor for the Economic Development Association of Skagit County (EDASC), announces a list of workshops for small business owners.

Unless otherwise listed all workshops are at the EDASC offices at 204 West Montgomery.  Register on-line at least 24 hours before the workshop at www.skagit.org.

April 28 – Understanding Private Financing. Ever consider looking for financing from venture capital, angels or individuals?  In this session hear from Washington State’s Department of Financial Institutions regarding the laws that apply and how to meet the legal obligations of seeking private financing.  $10 member, $20 non-members.  Noon – 1:30pm.    Lunch provided.

5/3 – Financing Options. Is your business in the market for a loan?  If you are in the next 12 months attend this workshop to learn about a variety of programs designed to assist businesses.  From large capital expenses to lines of credit you have options worth exploring to find your best solution.  Session presented in partnership with the Sedro Woolley Public Library and held at the Sedro Woolley Council Chamber at City Hall, 325 Metcalf Street.  FREE!  Noon – 1:30pm.

5/10 – Planning and Financing a Business. A three and a half hour odyssey of what it takes to start and maintain a high performing business.  From financing to business plans this is a must do for anyone who has recently started or is considering to launch a business.  FREE! 1:00pm – 4:30pm.  Refreshments provided.

5/12 – Learning from the Mouse. Back by demand with expanded content!  Would your customers save for years and then spend 7 to 8 hours in line waiting for your product?  In this session learn the tricks and methods employed by a large entertainment company in creating customer experience.  This workshop is guaranteed to change the way you think about your customers and the way you work with them.  Pixie dust not included.  $10 member, $20 non-members.  Noon – 1:30pm.    Lunch provided.

5/17 – Marketing on the Internet. This whole internet thing seems to be staying put… Are you using it to create sales?  Do you know your pay-per-click from your SEO?  In this no-nonsense session explore the ways to promote your company to create sales.   Session presented in partnership with the Sedro Woolley Public Library and held at the Sedro Woolley Community Center, 703 Pacific Street.  FREE!  6:30pm – 8:00pm.

5/24 – Digging in to Social Media. Grab your laptop and join in this nearly-all day session on how to use the largest platforms of social media.  Start out with a basic overview of social media and social influence marketing – definitions, best practices, and most effective platforms. Receive tutorials on setting up a Facebook fan page, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, and tracking SIM campaigns using tools like Google Analytics. Additionally, the class will look at SEO – search engine optimization.  There is pre-session homework for this session and space is limited.  Don’t have a laptop? We can help you rent one.  $60 member, $70 non-members.  10:00am – 3:00pm.    Lunch and snacks provided.  Class size is limited.

5/26 – QuickBooks Users Group. Not a class but more of a support group.  Join other QuickBooks users in a conversation facilitated by a QuickBooks ProAdvisor to discuss your issues and trends using the widest used accounting software. $10 member, $15 non-members.  Noon – 1:30pm.    Lunch provided.

5/31 – Planning and Financing a Business. A three and a half hour odyssey of what it takes to start and maintain a high performing business.  From financing to business plans this is a must do for anyone who has recently started or is considering to launch a business.   Session presented in partnership with the Sedro Woolley Public Library and held at the Sedro Woolley Council Chambers at City Hall, 325 Metcalf Street.  FREE!  1:00 – 4:30pm.

6/1 – Exporting Today. Taking your products and services to new markets is a key growth strategy.  It increases your sales and helps your company better manage the fluctuations of localized economies.  In this session learn more about the resources and strategies to get started or expand your exporting.  $10 member, $20 non-members.  1:00pm – 5:00pm.  Lunch provided.

Sessions are produced in partnership with:  Renew Washington (a project of the Washington State Library), Skagit Valley College and the Small Business Development Center (SBA).

James McCafferty can be contacted at 360-336-6114 or at 360-542-4024.