by Madie Murray

These three Wiltheim posters now hang in the school cafeteria. More of his work may be found on his web site at

Well, in this case, maybe they can. Now adorning the walls of the school cafeteria are three very engaging posters by Joe Wirtheim which are a part of “a self-commissioned poster art project for home and community designed to inspire and educate. The ‘Victory Garden’ represents our history of work, self-reliance, and ‘Tomorrow’ represents our aspiration to create a better world.”

While browsing through Sunset Magazine last year, Janet Brownell saw examples of Wirtheim’s work and contacted him to find out a little more about the posters. “I told him about our Farm to Cafeteria Program and my desire to purchase three posters to spruce up our aging cafeteria, but the normal 11 x 17 size was far too small,” Janet said. “Graciously, he printed three of them in a large format – just for us.”

Ian Lister mounted them on masonite backing and hung them last week in the school cafeteria for all to enjoy and hear the message Wirtheim visually brings home…creating a better world through growing and eating real, local, organic foods. Thanks Janet and Ian for this gift you have given to our school cafeteria!

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