–by Jari Brenner–

Suzanne Olson’s charming “recycled childhood moments” at the Artisans Faire. (2014)

The Artisans’ Faire at the Odd Fellows Hall (Saturday December 2nd: 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. and Sunday December 3rd: 11 a.m. till 4 p.m.PM) features handmade island Art and Crafts… Christmas ornaments, island made wreaths, yummy homemade candy and jams, and other wonderful island inspired creations.

The Artisans’ Faire brings out family traditions, as vendor Fiona Stone explains: “My daughter Molina and I do it as a tradition, to be part of something that involves so much of the community’s artists. The Artisan’s Fair is the creme of local artists and I adore it because everything is so unique.

“The Legion is also fantastic with their baked goods, crafts and there are some really gifted individuals that participate. We started out doing that one and they were so wonderful at welcoming my daughter into it. Joanne, Molina, and I do them both. Joanne normally sells at the Legion and I at Odd Fellows. They’re each different, but I wouldn’t miss either one.”

Mary Boberg, Eloise Monson and Jan Cleveland man the treats table at the American Legion Bazaar (2012).

Also this weekend is the American Legion Holiday Bazaar (Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at the Legion Hall on Crescent Beach Road near Country Corner.

Joanne Price said that the Holiday Bazaar features “all local crafts, good food for lunch, and the auxiliary club booth as a fundraiser which helps military members and families and funds scholarships. Everyone is happy and in the holiday spirit.”