From left, Bill Buchan, Margot Shaw and Tom Welch at the Orcas Island Historical Society and Museum Annual Dinner and Holiday Party

From left, Current Historical Society President Bill Buchan, Margot Shaw and Retiring President Tom Welch at the Orcas Island Historical Society and Museum Annual Dinner and Holiday Party, where Shaw was named Historian of the Year

At the Orcas Island Historical Society’s Annual Dinner on Dec. 7, three community philanthropists, “who came forward when we needed it,” said retiring President Tom Welch, were honored with lifetime memberships in the Historical Society, a brick on the Historical Museum’s entrance walkway, and a resolution from the Historical Society Board.

The honorees were Barbara Jamieson, Michael Brennan, and Margot Shaw. Shaw was also named Historian of the Year, an award first won by Jane Barfoot-Hodde, and also by Welch.

Although the Historical Museum lost their Executive Director, Micky Ryan, to financial difficulties last year, they are “all right” now, says current President Bill Buchan, thanks to their volunteers and hard-working board members. Heather Wallace and Kay Clark work part-time at the museum.

The Orcas Historical Society has been named one of six Washington State museums to carry out a national Smithsonian Institute project, “Journey Stories.”

They are actively seeking docents and volunteers for this exhibit, which will take place next summer, in collaboration with Humanities Washington and the Smithsonian.