By Spirit Eagle

Last night, May 13th, our beloved, beautiful Light Being Helen Hale, left Orcas Island for her Greatest Journey!

She Flew to the Stars!

Your beloved Cat People, Reishi and Squeaky will be with you now!
Clipper of Claws
Never focused on flaws

Friend and Sister
Generous and Loving

It was hard to keep Pace with your Kindness and Grace
Neighbor Extraordinaire

Easter Baskets at the door
Big-Bowed Christmas Presents
Halloween Dazzle
Birthdays with Sundaes for Dan and for Betty

Open the Book
Judge Not Here

The Softness Within
Acceptance of All

You made me laugh Helen, when you did your “Happy Dance”!

Never Complained
Through your Pain

A Woman of Grace
And a Heart to keep Pace

With your Happy Sweet Face

We will Miss You Dear Friend
You are Free of the Bonds of the Earth!

Fly now Helen!
Fly like the Eagle
On Wings of Pure Light!