— from Susan McBain, Orcas Issues reporter —

The May 7 meeting of the Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) took place one day after the first anniversary of its establishment in 2018. The commissioners took a few minutes to review their accomplishments, which they have also summarized in an article here.

Major topics discussed at the meeting:

  • Commissioner Patty Miller and Diane Boteler met with Dr. Matt Jaffy, Assistant Medical Director of UW Neighborhood Clinics’ (UWNC’s) North Region, to discuss UWNC’s proposal for providing after-hours care at the clinic. The proposal budget was about $250,000, and the commissioners wanted to explore whether any of the proposal’s elements were negotiable. They felt that continued negotiations are possible, but resulting cost reductions might bring the budget total down to around $150,000 at best. Dr. Jaffy will be seeking more information from UWNC senior management on some of those elements.

    The remainder of the proposed contract between UWNC and OIHCD is acceptable to both parties.
  • The amount of funding that OIHCD contracts to pay each year to each of the two clinics—UWNC and Orcas Family Health Center—is based on each clinic’s proposed budget for its fiscal year. UWNC’s proposed total budget for its 2019–2020 fiscal year is about $90,000 more than OIHCD expected based on the five-year financial model it developed last year. This substantial increase is due in large part to organizational changes at UW Medicine, which will bring provider salaries in line with faculty salaries. The proposed UWNC budget does not include the costs of the after-hours care proposal.
  • The commissioners heard a presentation from representatives of the Inter-Island Healthcare Foundation concerning the need for long-term care in San Juan County. The Foundation is proposing a feasibility study to determine care needs and options, including the possibility of one or more “micro-nursing-homes” offering care to 8–10 people on the biggest islands. Another possibility is establishment of home health and home care services across the islands. The Foundation is requesting $10,000 from OIHCD, and also from the Lopez and San Juan health districts, toward the $50,000 cost of the study.

The next regular OIHCD meeting is scheduled for May 21 at 4 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.