San Juan County’s Health and Community Services (HCS) is calling for volunteers to support senior services on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands.

HCS Senior Services provides and supports programs and services that assist seniors in remaining independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. Senior Services is also a resource for those who provide care to parents, older family members, or neighbors. Available services include Meals on Wheels, including both home-delivered meals for eligible seniors and onsite community meals at the local senior centers, as well as individual case coordination, family caregiver support, and transportation assistance.

The Meals on Wheels program and transportation services rely on volunteer assistance. If you are interested in contributing to your community by becoming a Meals on Wheels driver, helping in the kitchen, or providing transportation to off-island medical appointments, please contact the Senior Services Specialist on your island for more information:

• Lopez Island: Roni Becker-Wilkie, ronib@sanjuanco.com, 360-468-2421

• Orcas Island: Jami Mitchell, jamim@sanjuanco.com, 360-376-7926

• San Juan Island: Debbie Haagensen, debbieh@sanjuanco.com, 360-370-7526

Relevant URLs:

• https://www.sanjuanco.com/429/Senior-Services

• https://www.sanjuanco.com/Facilities?clear=False

Media Contact: Kyra Jahanfar, Program Coordinator – Emergency Preparedness & Communications, kyrak@sanjuanco.com, 360-370-7502

About San Juan County’s Department of Health and Community Services

San Juan County’s Department of Health and Community Services is responsible for community and environmental health, mental health and substance abuse programs, senior services, affordable housing projects, and more. The department has staff and offices on Lopez, Orcas, and San Juan Islands. For more information about San Juan County’s Department of Health and Community Services, visit www.sanjuanco.com/1777/Health-Community-Services.