Monday, June 11, 3 – 7 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Patty Miller for Orcas Health Care District —

Orcas Health Care District Commissioners will meet in a special meeting on Monday, June 11 from 3 – 7 p.m., at the Eastsound Fire Station to address the following agenda items. They will also convene for a tour of the UW Clinic from 7 – 7:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order

  • I) Public Comment
  • II) Discussion Topics

a. Nature of the services to be secured by the PHD

i. Define sustainable primary and urgent/acute care scope of services – What should they look like for Orcas Island?
ii. Review possible service delivery models for delivering these services

1. Collaboration between clinics, EMS, and other community health organizations
2. “Community health” or “Citizenship” components to encourage collectives solutions for dealing with community health issues (e.g. being flexible in working with the public health department such as around the current chickenpox outbreak).

b. Establishment of minimum levels of service for both primary and urgent/acute care

i. Regular hours and after-hours care
ii. Primary and urgent/acute
iii. Understanding seasonal variations
iv. Clinic specific or same for all contracted providers?

c. Use of Goals/Metrics/Measurements for gauging performance and contract negotiations

i. Customer satisfaction
ii. Use of Relative Value Units (RVU) for measuring provider productivity and/or other?
iii. Other Goals – long term and short

d. Contracting with service providers

i. Approach to be used

1. Use of standardized or unique contracts
2. Use of interim contracts for transition to allow clinics to remain open
3. Identification of essential contract elements
a. Short term and long term

ii. Process

1. Where to use committees versus entire board
2. When to engage legal counsel
3. How to deal with impasse, if reached

e. Timing and timeline for discussions

i. What information is required to begin process

III) Discussion of Legal formation documents-Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Conflict, etc. (TIME PERMITTED)

II. Public Comment

III. Adjourn

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