San Juan County’s hazardous waste round-up collection event is our community’s once-yearly opportunity to legally and responsibly dispose of poisonous, flammable, corrosive or other hazardous chemicals.

“Proper disposal protects your health and the health of the workers that handle your waste. Proper disposal also keeps chemicals out of our drinking water and out of the environment,” says Katie Fleming, Solid Waste Coordinator in San Juan County’s Department of Environmental Stewardship.

The events for households will be taking place from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the solid waste facilities on San Juan (6/11), Orcas (6/18), and Lopez Islands (6/25). The San Juan Island event for businesses is on June 10 from 1 – 3 pm.

There is no charge at this year’s roundup for households disposing of 25 gallons or less of hazardous waste. Disposal costs are being paid by the San Juan County Solid Waste Program and Washington Department of Ecology. Businesses will be charged for their disposal costs and must pre-register at least 10 days before the event (call or email Katie at 360-762-5821 or katief@sanjuanco.com to register).

Visit www.sanjuanco.com/351/Hazardous-Waste for more information and details about what materials are being accepted at the events.