If you were driving on the island yesterday afternoon, you may have noticed a lack of traffic during the Super Bowl game, as fans crowded inside local venues and private homes to cheer on the Seattle Seahawks to a 43-8 victory over the Denver Broncos.

Orcas Issues staff spread out to watch the game in three different venues. Here are our reports from where the action was truly inspiring:

Report from the Lower Tavern

— by Lin McNulty —

Hawks fans began to gather long before the game at The Lower Tavern. Photo: Lin McNulty

Hawks fans began to gather long before the game at The Lower Tavern. Photo: Lin McNulty

It was loud, it was rowdy, it was boisterous, and it was loads of fun.

Although no one actually camped out in the parking lot in order to be the first one in the door, by the official opening time at 11 a.m., many of the seats were already filled.

That left at least three and a half hours to wait. One table (see photo above) had pretty much already lost their voices before the first kickoff.

Others played a few games of cribbage while waiting. I somehow got talked in to getting my hair sprayed in blue and green stripes.

Two lone Broncos fans braved the harassment and resounding loss by their team. Photo: Lin McNulty

Two lone Broncos fans braved the harassment and loss of their team. Photo: Lin McNulty

At one point, Sheriff’s Deputy Doug Maya came in (to watch the game, perhaps), but promptly escorted two Denver Bronco fans outside for rooting for the wrong team. Luckily, they came right back in as April Nance is my Seahawks good luck charm when she sits next to me and roots for the other team.

With one resounding surprise after another during the game, the noise level grew along with excitement and just plain happiness. When the confetti broke out, the floor looked like a blue, white and green shag carpet.

An hour after the game, owner Jim Passer said dryly, “Yeah, we put in a full 8-hours today.” Home for the sleep of the righteous.

Report from the Seaview

— by Margie Doyle —

The big game at the Seaview

The big game at the Seaview

Meanwhile at the Seaview, the theater was bursting at the seams with energized and enthralled 12th MEN and WOMEN. Valerie Harris and Ian Woolworth served hamburgers in the entrance to the theater, where a benefit to save the old Seaview was in full swing.

Inside the door Marta and Phil Branch and Julie Pinardi sold raffle tickets for the T-shirts that were awarded after each quarter. As I purchased my tickets, Phil instructed me, “Put your mojo on it.” I started to sign my name and he said, “No, your MOJO, your special magic!” I stopped to breathe intently on the tickets and then, in tribute to one of those athletic, graceful Seahawks (the men, not the birds) I did a bump-and-grind. What on earth possessed me?

Ian Woolworth and Valerie Harris serve hamburgers at the Seaview. Miette and Nisha Woolworth (and Miette's dog Monkey, help.

Ian Woolworth and Valerie Harris serve hamburgers at the Seaview. Miette and Nisha Woolworth (and Miette’s dog Monkey, help.

The game had just started and I bumped into Donna Laslo, that Wizard of Fundraising Gamesmanship, and Shawnee Shelton . “Check out the bar!” she said, “The house is full! 170 seats!”

In the lounge (the room at the west end of the theater that used to be the video rental), Chris Dolan manned the bar. The room has been made over into a comfortable seating area — remember the “Blue Laws” when it was illegal for Washington bars to have a window on the street?

Jared Lovejoy told me that with new laws, and as soon as the liquor licenses are granted, patrons can take drinks from the bar area into the theater. Then there was a roar from inside the theater and I rushed into the darkness. What happened?

Rick Hughes, Jared Lovejoy and Chris Dolan in the lounge at the Seaview as the game begins

Rick Hughes, Jared Lovejoy and Chris Dolan in the lounge at the Seaview as the game begins

It was the first Bronco mistake — the mis-snapped safety that gave the Seahawks their first two points. And no, I wasn’t clutching Peter Fisher’s father in a mad embrace, I was just trying to keep my feet in the pitch darkness and noise of the theater. Within scant minutes, the Hawks then scored their first field goal and were emphatically ahead!

Fast forward to the beginning of the fourth quarter and the statisticians were rolling out the history, before the game was even over. The feats of Marshawn Lynch and Richard Sherman were over-shadowed by the derring-do of Malcolm Smith and Jermaine Pearse.

And man, that Gator-Aid looked cold!

Report from Rosario

— by Cara Russell —

Sixty-plus people were at the Rosario Mansion Lounge, and not an ‘obvious’ Bronco fan was in sight among the families, kids and babies, couples, singles, friends. I sat with one such friend on the veranda and we enjoyed some 12th MAN Nachos, and drank dark beer with Campfire Whiskey chasers. Or is it Whiskey with a beer chaser?

So many opportunities to celebrate for the fans at Rosario. Photo: Cara Russell

So many opportunities to celebrate for the fans at Rosario. Photo: Cara Russell

People lounged around on couches, being warmed by the large fire in the fireplace. Tea light candles burned on tables, and retro light bulbs filled the room with mood lighting.

TVs were in every wall, so even from the secluded corner where my friend and I enjoyed the view of the water as well as some good conversation, we were still able to easily watch the game. Even the kitchen staff had their own private TV.

Skittles were handed out after touchdowns. The fans chanted “Sea-Hawks!”, and danced with every score. At the end of the game 12th MAN balloons were brought out, and someone won a fistful of cash after correctly guessing the final score of the game.