By Nancy Southern, MSW, Energetic Life Coach

2010 was full of miracles for me and I expect 2011 to be even better! Do You?

Knowing how to set empowered intentions made a huge difference for me this past year. Here’s an article to start you on the right path to miraculous manifesting!

Making New Year Resolutions is a long held tradition. Be really honest with yourself, how well has that worked for you? If you’re at all like me, most of them were dismal failures long before the first hint of spring.

So why do you suppose that happened and more importantly, why keep doing it again and again when the New Year rolls around? I’m sure you’ve heard two of my favorite Einstein quotes, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”  AND: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So here’s a simple suggestion: Trade Old Worn Out Resolutions for New Self-Empowering Intentions.

Some of you may say, “but, aren’t they the same thing?” If you look at the root meaning (what I call the unconscious driver of a word) you’ll see they are very different animals indeed. (Sort of like comparing a mule to a racehorse, no judgment, just different.)

The word Resolution comes from the Latin meaning to ‘release’ particularly the ‘paying of a debt’. At first glance you might think that’s a good thing. But from a Law Of Attraction point of view there’s a problem here.

The resolution method has you focusing on what you want to release or get rid of (the problem) rather than focusing on what you want to attract or create (the preferred result). Remember, the LOA says what you focus on, you attract to you. Here’s another way to look at it. It’s like perpetuating the same problem so you can re-solve it over and over again. Sound familiar?

Now check out the root meaning of Intention: “to stretch toward.” Notice how this feels different already. So, in the example of debt, imagine “stretching toward” a higher paying position or a new income stream or the vacation in the tropics you dream about during the first big freeze each winter that becomes easily affordable.

Once you commit to the direction you want to go,” the creative mind goes to work lining up the energy to help you get there. It also motivates you to stretch beyond your current comfort zone. And guess what?

The perceived problem that has prevented you in the past from achieving what you want disappears or loosens it hold on you along the way.

Using intentions instead of resolutions helps to shift what you focus on to what you want in your life rather than what you want to get rid of.
Here are some old vs. new samples:

Resolution: I resolve to lose 20 pounds by sticking to my diet and exercise plan.

Intention: I intend to feel stronger, healthier and lighter on my feet. I love the complements I get on how great I look.

Resolution: I resolve to pay off my Visa card before I have to pay my taxes.

Intention: I intend to increase my income by 20% or more in the next 3 months, make wise choices with my money and enjoy greater financial freedom.

Resolution: I resolve to pay more attention to my spouse and kids than to my work.

Intention: I intend to spend specially planned time each week with my spouse and each of my children.

Albert Einstein also said, It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.

Are you willing to use your genius and courage to move in a new direction? Believe in your natural genius and courage, and stretch toward your dreams! They are waiting for you.

PS: The minute you start feeling doubtful, discouraged or frustrated, use EFT/Tapping until the energy shifts. Then refocus on what you are ‘stretching toward’ and take that next inspired step!

For more information about EFT and Energy Management
Contact: Nancy Southern, MSW, EFT Specialist, 360-376-4288
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