— from David Turnoy —

Two bills introduced in the WA House and Senate this year are worthy of your support and of an email to our representatives.  We still don’t have a senator, but a week from now that should be resolved.

If you supported the carbon fee initiative last year, you will be glad to know that the legislature has a clean energy bill in the works: SB 5116/ HB 1211.  Here is a summary from the Senate digest:

  • Establishes the Washington clean energy transformation act. Addresses the elimination of coal-fired  electricity and the transition of the state’s electricity supply to one hundred percent carbon neutral by 2030. Provides that it is the policy of the state that all retail sales of electricity to the state’s customers be greenhouse gas neutral by January 1, 2030. Requires the department of commerce to convene an energy and climate policy advisory committee to develop recommendations to the legislature for the coordination of existing resources, or the establishment of new ones, to: (1) Examine the costs and benefits of energy-related policies, programs, functions, activities, and incentives; and (2) Conduct other energy-related studies and analyses as may be directed by the legislature. Requires the department of health to conduct a cumulative impact analysis to designate the communities highly impacted by fossil fuel pollution and climate change.

The second bill worthy of your support is a bill to start to reform our regressive tax system by instituting a capital gains tax.  This is SB 5314 / HB 1172.  The bill would provide property tax relief in exchange for a tax on capital gains.

Please contact your legislators and tell them you support these bills:

Thank you!