Thank you , William Wright, for your comments. There were hundreds of hours put into informing and consulting the public, property owners and anybody that was interested in this project that has been being planned for years.  I will try to answer John’s question.

The plan last year in the Spring the project manager and public works was working hard to get ready to bid this project. With Covid and a lot of other extenuating circumstances the process kept getting delayed. Originally the project was to be in three stages and take three years.  This would enable no road work during the summer season.  As the process continued to be delayed changes were made. The property owners and the business owners came to the decision that everybody wanted to bite the Bullet and just have one crazy summer  instead of three. 

Having a public meeting the business owners, property owners, chamber of commerce, Cindy Wolf, EPRC members, public works and others brainstormed about signage, needing additional parking elsewhere and that the construction company would work a four-day work week so the road could be open for people to walk to the shops and restaurants on the weekend. 

I am no engineer or construction worker but I would bet that for the people saying how can they leave the road in this condition (at this time) don’t understand all that is involved.  First if this extensive work was done on the mainland I am sure they would close the road completely until it was usable.  There are so many subcontractors on this project trying to work together.  OPALCO, Rock Island , ESWUA, Eastsound Sewer, Centurylink and the construction company.  Also everyday they all find something that they had no idea was underground.  They continuously have to deal with unexpected situations. 

I believe they are trying their best to do their work and by Thursday afternoon open the road so the businesses can operate.  For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone would try to drive on Prune Alley when North Beach and Madrona are so close. I am sure when the sewer line and a few other underground things get done the road  itself will not be so bumpy.

It’s going to be a long summer and into the fall, guys, but it’s just one not three so please be kind.  FYI there are a couple of grates that will go around a couple trees so they can be saved.  Some of the others were planted on top of telephone and other wires and pipes so they will be replaced.  If you have any questions please get ahold of me and I will try to get some answers for you.


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