By Jane Alden

The meeting with the Eastsound Sewer & Water District (ESWD last evening (Sept. 11) was a real eye opener. Not only were all my questions answered, but I found the board members extremely eager to address them and hopeful that others from the community would bring their questions to them as well.

Christopher Evans and I met again this morning with Susan Kimple of the ESWD, and received a large stack of documents carefully explaining the regulations, their implications, and the options that are available for payment which Christopher will discuss with Bonnie Brae residents at our meeting tomorrow, (Thursday), evening.

It was clear to myself and the other two OPAL residents who attended the meeting that the ESWD has bent over backwards to create payment options that will reduce the financial stress on the members of the Bonnie Brae community. My question about the legality of it was answered as well, to my satisfaction. This hook-up is, indeed, mandated by federal law.

There are still murky corners to the issue, but, the murk is not necessarily the fault of the ESWD. So, because I sat in a room with actual human beings and spoke to them frankly about my concerns and was frankly and, I believe, truthfully answered, I have come full circle in my thinking about all of this.

Jane Alden is a Bonnie Brae resident.