— by Joe Symons —

Re: Hearing on Docket Applications scheduled for 15 June 2018
The docket application is located at:

I write to encourage Council to fully support the Docket application that I submitted in February 2018.

The application requests a thorough buildout/impact analysis of the development potential inherent in the existing land use density map and related policies (e.g., ADU policy) along with the expected impact of visitors.

The basic questions that this analysis would answer are:

* What will be the impact of humans (locals, part timers and visitors) at currently defined buildout on
all aspects of living (financial, environmental, demographic, sustainability, carrying capacity, climate
change, etc.) in the San Juans? In short, where are we going?
* Where have we been and where are we now?
* What is the trajectory of these impacts?

My request for this work to be done is based on the following:

1. Information is power.
We can collectively make wiser decisions.
We will be fully informed as to what we are headed toward.
It establishes a baseline that currently does not exist.
It is the right thing to do. Transparency and full disclosure are essential for democracy to work.

2. The request is limited to information gathering and analysis
The request does not ask for changes to the comprehensive plan.
The request does not ask for how to go forward with any public process subsequent to the
analysis, such as what to do and/or how to do it.

3. A precedent exists for approving this request
In 2001 the Planning Commission unanimously approved a similar request and recommended it be given the highest priority of county government.

4. DCD staff supports this request.
See Attachment B.
Staff evaluation recommended item C:
C- Items that can be considered as part of a larger CP update or subarea planning process
I would encourage staff, Planning Commission and Council to also consider option B:
B- Items needed to achieve important public policy objectives of a countywide nature

5. Methodology and tools exist to do this work (see docket)
Low cost GIS software that works directly with SJC GIS data exists.
Experienced consultants exist who can assist in structuring and doing some or all of this work.
Staff could do this in house.

6. SJC would demonstrate leadership
The analysis is consistent with gold-standard GMA principles.
The analysis is in alignment with the aspirational values of the voters.
The analysis is a logical step in determining and fulfilling our collective Vision.
Limited county resources must be triaged: the analysis is extremely high-value-added information and should therefore be strongly supported over less important tasks.
As noted in one study, given the scenario-building capability of a thoughtful analysis, 90% of
elected officials looking at future growth scenarios chose an option other than the business as usual path.
SJC would lead the state in demonstrating how information could be generated to inform wise public decisions for a rural county that aspires to live within appropriate ecological,financial and community limits.

7. The analysis request is essential as part of the GMA Comp Plan update
Staff needs proactive Council authority and resources to fully implement this request.
Absent authority and resources, staff will be unable to do an analysis sufficient to meet the
needs of this request.

Should Council not allocate resources and authority to staff, private citizens may proceed to accomplish this work. SJC would have no independent resource to challenge the resulting analysis and subsequent use of this analysis.

Taking full ownership of this request gives SJC skin in the game going forward. The request does not accrue any personal benefit to the citizen requesting the analysis. The request serves the best interests of the voters who must pay (financially, environmentally and experientially) for the significant yet transitory impacts of non-voters. Council answers to voters.

In a previous hearing, a Lopezian asked the Council and Planning Commission to “be bold.” Michaelangelo said: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

Let us set our aim high. Demonstrate bold and wise leadership. Approve and fully support this docket request.

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