— by Gulliver Rankin — 

As the author of the section of the Eastsound Sub-Area Plan update regarding the “transportation hub,” I would like to give some history and clarification.

The Fern St. parcel and what is now the Village Green was purchased to create a road connecting down town to Lovers Lane. With considerable prodding and dedication by Eastsound residents the Village Green was converted to a park with the stormwater treatment facility satisfying the ‘road’ requirements. Fern St extension was then seen as a second one way couplet to balance “A” street so traffic didn’t have to go all the way to Main St to head north again.

Clearly we do not need that road.

Thus began our work to transform this into something that we can use without finding the money to repurchase the property.

For the last 2 years we have explored a pedestrian walk through and street side transit stop which would qualify as a ‘road’ to satisfy the requirements of the purchase funds.

The language of a ‘Transportation Hub’ is to better qualify for Grants that will help develop the Streetscape plan.

While there is continued need for more parking in the summer, I am advocating to look beyond the car. I want more tourists to be able to visit without bringing an internal combustion engine. A covered area for bikes to be secured, storage lockers to hold paniers and shopping, and tables to help pack all that away before pedaling off. Or a shuttle stop to an off site parking lot (the high school parking lot has been discussed as peak summer parking for shop keepers and staff, which use quite a few prime parking spots).

I am looking for solutions that do not ask for more pavement, more parking but for encouragement of Non-motorized Transportation. Without a dedicated parcel the most we can plan for is a bike rack and a few reserved parking spots for a bus stop.

I am heartened to see the interest in what Eastsound should look like and encourage everyone to participate in this next phase of creating a vibrant downtown that maintains what we love about Eastsound.

‘Dark sky’ pedestrian lighting and expanded walking paths are some of the topics included in this discussion as well as a new Stormwater plan for the village (rain gardens and previous sidewalks?)

Nothing will be built without a full public process and, of course, funding.

— Gulliver Rankin is a builder who has served as Chair of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee and as County Stormwater Advisory Committee Chair.

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