By Teddy Deane for the San Juan Arts Council

Here we are in the beautiful San Juan Islands, one of the most picturesque and precious environments in the United States or anywhere; a place where the surroundings alone energize us. What a wonderful home for artists of all flavors to enjoy and blend their creations into exciting dishes for the world to savor.

We have an opportunity to share this feast with all who would come to be inspired, to learn, to study with our artists, to listen and to buy.

We are sitting on one of the most desirable economic engines a community could wish for, but it’s underdeveloped and its potential is not yet realized. We have some excellent venues for the arts already. They are growing all the time within their own spheres, and we are so much the better for it – but imagine the power of combining all this energy under a single marketing roof. What if the whole island became aware of the opportunity that exists when a community incorporates the arts into their style of thinking and doing business? What if we actually made a point of attracting visitors who are in search of artistic and cultural experiences? What if we became known for our artists and the art of every kind that they produce? What if when you said “San Juans,” people additionally thought of an artistic adventure? We’ve already got one of the best recreational locations on the planet!

This is all a work in progress and we don’t have any answers, but we do know that there is a vision here that can help us remain sustainable and more financially consistent in uncertain times. And what a wonderful way to impact our island’s economic growth!