Governor Jay Inslee released a statement today regarding the announcement of President Joe Biden’s “American Jobs Plan,” the first part of his “Build Back Better” agenda.

“I applaud President Biden for laying out a vision to spur America’s economic recovery with a transformative commitment to jobs and infrastructure. This is a tremendous step forward in the fight against climate change. It is a big, bold, but appropriately scaled plan. I applaud the inclusion of a federal clean electricity standard and carbon free automobile standards by 2035, as well as strong investment in clean energy, transit, water and housing, and infrastructure. The ‘American Jobs Plan’ makes clear that the Biden-Harris administration understands the urgency of our climate crisis and upholds my deep commitment to environmental justice.

“Transitioning to a clean energy economy creates jobs, and the success of our investments in zero-emission vehicles, clean buildings and the largest transportation package in state history is proof. We in Washington state are a model for what this proposal will accomplish.

“I share the president’s belief that meeting America’s infrastructure needs means taking an inclusive approach across sectors, and that equity for underserved communities must infused into this work. The COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illustrated the costs of federal underinvestment in our public health infrastructure.

“Ensuring resilience against climate change means making a significant investment in rehabilitation of our public buildings and hazard mitigation, as well as forest and watershed health. And investments in our workforce, including caregivers and health care workers, is at the heart of providing an economically secure future for everyone. Federal investments in all of these areas will build on steps we’ve taken here in Washington.

“It’s long past time that we invest in America, and this proposal will create jobs while taking steps to address inequities in our tax code. I’m also pleased to see the president’s plan eliminates subsidies for fossil fuel companies that have no place in our tax code.

“I urge Congress to move swiftly toward shaping this vision into legislation over the next several months, and I look forward to working with Washington’s congressional delegation to help advance Washington’s priorities.”