— from Emily Geyman —

John Geyman, M.D. announces the publication of his new book: Profiteering, Corruption and Fraud in U.S. Health Care. He raises questions that we have to ask and answer: Who is the health care system for – profits for health care corporations, their shareholders and Wall Street traders and investors? for corrupt and fraudulent scammers? or for patients, their families and taxpayers? 

As the U.S. struggles to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and the current recession, John Geyman states that the urgent need for health care reform is at an all -time high. The book updates where we are with the untenable status quo and compares three major alternatives for reform: building on the ACA, the public option, and Medicare for All.

John Geyman, M.D. is professor emeritus at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and served as Chair of the Department of Family Medicine from 1976-1990. As a family physician, he practiced in rural communities for 13 years, including in Friday Harbor. Since 1990 he has been involved with research and writing on health care policy and health care reform.

Ralph Nader, founder of Public Citizen, comments on this book: “The horrific multiple costs, cruel denials of benefits, and huge entrenched commercial crimes driving the health care industry are described in this motivating, accurate report by Dr. John Geyman. This book points citizens towards Congressional action.”

The book is available at island bookstores.