Our newsletter connects our members, provides valuable information and builds community. It supports the mission of the garden club which is to stimulate knowledge and love of gardening. We are only able to bring this much-loved publication to our community through the support of volunteers.

That’s where we need you!

We plan to continue to build on the success of our publication and provide a newsletter that’s engaging, educational, fun, informative, and yes, even a bit quirky. We’d love to have you be part of it!DETAILS: The time commitment is highly flexible, from a monthly contribution to an interesting series or just occasionally submit a few short articles over the course of a year. Meetings are virtual and completely optional. You get to choose topics you find interesting, uplifting and positive. Here’s an example of articles you may enjoy writing about:

  • Interview a member for a spotlight
  • Book review
  • A plant that interests you
  • Your travels to gardens afar
  • Stories about your garden journey and what you’ve learned

Besides writing, you may enjoy locating trivia, finding the perfect poem, ensuring garden related events are promoted or even finding a humorous addition. The list goes on for new and innovative ideas. Can’t wait to get started. We hope you consider this opportunity and join our fun team. Please say yes today.

Click Here to Participate!


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