On Wednesday, February 15th at 10:00, the Orcas Island Garden Club will host a Hybrid meeting with  Marisa Hendron. 

You may attend the presentation in person in the Madrona Room at Orcas Center OR you may participate via Zoom, click HERE. This meeting is free and open to the public.

The Orcas Island Seed Library, home to approximately 147 seed varieties, was created to make seeds of locally adapted plants freely available to all islanders. Marisa, the Orcas Island Public Library Seed Librarian, will describe how to participate in the Seed Library, emphasizing the role of the Seed Library in building a resilient seed stewardship community. She will also discuss designing and implementing effective seed saving practices at a home garden scale, no matter your style of garden.

Marisa has been an avid gardener in the Pacific Northwest for the past 15 years. She focuses on exploring the connections between landscapes, food and people.


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