Welcome Dr. Simpson-Manske

Dr. Jennifer Simpson-Manske

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of another permanent provider to Island Primary Care – Orcas. This month, Dr. Jennifer Simpson-Manske joined our clinics and our Orcas community as a seasoned family practice doctor with 24 years of experience caring for patients. She enjoys many outdoor activities, including mountain biking and gardening, and she is eager to join the vibrant Orcas community. Please join us in giving Dr. Simpson-Manske a warm welcome to Orcas Island.

We are very grateful for the dedication of Dr. Peterson, who has provided exceptional care to our patients. In mid-February, Dr. Peterson will be transitioning back to Island Primary Care – 24th Street in Anacortes. He stepped up to help support the Orcas clinic and we greatly appreciate his enthusiasm to serve our community.

Island Health is committed to ensuring the continuity of your medical care. Dr. Peterson’s patients will be transitioned to Dr. Simpson-Manske’s panel. If you would like to establish care with another one of our providers, please call 360.376.2561.

Join our Team with On-the-Job Medical Training
Island Primary Care – Orcas offers an on-the-job training program that prepares interested candidates for a high demand position as a Medical Assistant (Registered or Certified). IPC – Orcas provides the training and experience to work successfully with patients, and we endorse individuals with the Washington State Department of Health. The opportunity to learn quickly and collaborate with a supportive team can propel your career in healthcare. No prior medical experience required. Join our team today! For more information, visit https://islandhealth.org/ma-training/

Mental Health Telehealth Services
There are many mental health conditions which are managed by Primary Care Providers (PCP) who are well trained in both physical and mental health issues. At times, a consultation or series of treatments from mental health professionals is needed to supplement the care from your PCP. Across the nation, mental health providers are in short supply and there is great demand which increased with the pandemic.

Care Courageously
We encourage our patients to be mindful of their mental health and to acknowledge feelings which they might otherwise keep bottled up inside. If you have mental health concerns, it is good to begin a discussion with your PCP. To assist more patients, the Island Health Psychiatry & Behavioral Health department develops care plans which often include services by “telehealth” (also known as video visits). We have a telehealth psychiatry partner who coordinates medical records with us and helps us to address patient needs. Please speak with your PCP about your mental health concerns. They are a great first step in all aspects of health and wellness.

Excuse our Dust – We’re Expanding!
We are very excited to announce our clinic’s expansion. We are fully staffed with permanent providers who reside on Orcas! Island Primary Care – Orcas will now have at least four providers scheduled daily Monday through Friday.

When Island Health returned to the island, the Orcas Island Health Care District (OHICD) planned to increase the number of patient exam rooms and we are excited to see this project completed. We appreciate the support of the community and the OIHCD. This expansion allows us to improve efficiencies and increase the number of patients we can care for daily.


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