— from Rebecca DeMeritt —

FunhouseLogoThe Funhouse Commons is actively seeking caring people, teens or adults, for traditional one-on-one mentoring. The Funhouse also welcomes “skill” mentors for children or teens, “group” mentors for small class skill-building, and project-based mentors. Tutors for one-on-one tutoring or to help during our after-school homework club are also needed.

The Funhouse mentor program has been successful for over a decade. The Funhouse Commons is committed to following quality best practices and has been recognized as a top mentoring program in Washington State by a Mentoring Works Washington.

The program offers training, host mentor meetings, and takes great care in setting up potential matches. Mentors can play a key role in a child’s life. Self-esteem, emotional well-being, grades, and social confidence can all be positively affected by having another loving adult around to learn from, play with, and confide in.

The Funhouse has children waiting for mentors! If you are interested in being a mentor, feel free to contact the Funhouse for more information or to set up an interview. Call Rebecca at 376-7177 or email rebecca@thefunhouse.org.