— from Sarah McKay —

Do you have some free time each week to spend with a younger child in need of adult guidance? Are you an artist, an outdoor enthusiast, an athlete, a chef? Are you looking for an apprentice for your studio?

The Funhouse Commons Mentor Program provides Orcas Island with traditional one-on-one mentor matches that link caring adults with youth in the community. Mentors do not need to have a background working with youth in order to make a difference in a child’s life.  Being a good listener, having respect for young people, empathy, and flexibility are all skills that can help foster a meaningful relationship for a child.

The Funhouse mentor program has been successful for over a decade. The Funhouse Commons is committed to following quality best practices and has been recognized as a top mentoring program in Washington State by a Mentoring Works Washington.

The program offers training, host mentor meetings, and takes great care in setting up potential matches. Mentors can play a key role in a child’s life. Self-esteem, emotional well-being, grades, and social confidence can all be positively affected by having another loving adult around to learn from, play with, and confide in.

You can make a difference in a child’s life.

For more information, contact Sarah McKay at 376-7177, or sarah@thefunhouse.org

Founded by generous members of the Orcas Island community in 2000, The Funhouse Commons is a 501(c)3 non- profit community center with hands-on science exhibits, multi-media labs, art studio, recording studio, climbing wall and much more. The Funhouse Commons also provides essential Teen, After School, Education and Mentor programs for the youth of Orcas Island www.funhousecommons.org.