— from Krista Bouchey —

FunhouseKidThe Funhouse Commons Mentor program was just named a Dedicated Partner by Mentoring Works Washington. The Funhouse Commons achieved Dedicated level through a rigorous, guided evaluation process that is based on over 20 years of national research and experienced practitioner insight and includes ongoing assistance from Mentoring Works Washington to develop and implement a 12-month Improvement & Innovation Plan.


This designation means that The Funhouse Commons is committed to following quality best practices that help ensure the community’s youth and volunteers are safe and that they experience mentoring relationships that result in positive outcomes such as increased self-efficacy, academic success, and decreased chances of exhibiting risky behavior.

To achieve Dedicated status The Funhouse completed the Quality Mentoring Assessment Path, or QMAP. Out of around 200 mentoring programs in Washington, only 6 have become Dedicated Partners and 3 have become Expert Partners in the first two years of the statewide program.

In rigorous studies, mentoring conducted in high quality programs reduced juvenile delinquency and crime; improved school attendance, grades and high school graduation rates; improved mental health; and lowered risk of youth involvement in such risky behaviors as drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use.

To get involved in The Funhouse Commons mentor program, email krista@thefunhouse.org.

Seeking volunteers:
We are looking for volunteers for this Friday (01/30) and next Friday (02/06), to help us provide a meal for the 25K/50K running event in Moran State Park. The organization, Rainshadow Running, gives a donation to The Funhouse in support of our positive youth programs. Students and parents could help with this event.

Did you know…when youth like their after school program, they show strong improvements in the classroom; greatly narrowing the achievement gap.*

*study from Expanded Learning & Afterschool: opportunites for Student Success.
