— from Trillium Swanson —

The Funhouse Commons is offering a second season of Stepping Up, the outdoor exploration club for students in grades 5 – 8.

Last year participants visited local parks such as Judd Cove, and camped out on their June outing at Obstruction Pass State Park. The group learned about local farming projects at a visit to Orcas Community Participatory Agriculture, and discovered new hide and seek techniques in the woods of Buck Park.

This year, a Stepping Up group is being offered for 7th and 8th graders, in addition to 5th and 6th grades. The club will meet once a month, and consist of outdoor hikes, marine beach excursions, sustainable farming field trips, and an outdoor overnight camping trip. Skills-building activities encouraging healthy boundaries and positive self-esteem will be integrated into each outing. The group meets at 3:30 p.m. and ends around 7.

Attendance is free; space is limited. To sign up or for more information, contact

Contact Trillium at trillium@thefunhouse.org, or call the Funhouse Commons at: 376-7177.