— from Sarah McKay —

The Funhouse Commons Mentor program matches children with talented, caring adults in the community who can help teach them a new skill, provide a listening ear, go on adventures, and simply be a friend. 

National studies show that children who have mentors are more likely to succeed in school.

Increasingly, teachers and researchers are finding that success in school is not dependent upon IQ, but upon non-academic skills. Academic success depends on a student’s ability to roll with the punches, maintain a positive outlook, and handle stress.

According to a study presented by Mentoring Works Washington, “mentored youth are 52 percent more likely to stay in school and also complete more homework assignments than youth without mentors.”

A third-grade student enrolled in the Funhouse Commons Mentor program says that it’s really nice to have so much in common with a grown-up. She feels that she can talk to her mentor about anything. She says, “if I have a problem, my mentor will help me figure it out.”

Mentors play a key role in children’s lives.  Self-esteem, grades, emotional well-being, and social confidence can all be positively affected by having another loving adult around to learn from, play with, and confide in.

Please contact Sarah at 376-7177 or sarah@thefunhouse.org to find out how to get involved in the Funhouse Mentor program.


Founded by generous members of the Orcas Island community in 2000, The Funhouse Commons is a 501(c)3 non- profit community center with hands-on science exhibits, multi-media labs, art studio, recording studio, climbing wall and much more. The Funhouse Commons also provides essential Teen, After School, Education and Mentor programs for the youth of Orcas Island. www.funhousecommons.org