The Board and staff of the Funhouse Commons would like to thank Fred Klein and the 35 other community members who took part in the discussions regarding gun safety in our community, inspired by the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Just the fact that this group of concerned citizens came together speaks volumes for our community.

There are several recommendations in the committee’s final report that we would like to particularly endorse:

• Seek opportunities to be a mentor or to be mentored

The Funhouse Commons has been running a highly successful, well organized mentor program ever since our doors opened in 2000. We are always on the look out for responsible, caring adults to be mentors. Please contact us if you are interested. We have a program to fit your schedule.

• Educational programs that lead to a clear understanding of how to reduce threats to personal and public safety and We recommend gun safety through age-appropriate firearm education

Inspired by this report, The Funhouse Commons is currently working with Jim Scheib (member of the committee), local gun safety expert, to develop a family gun safety program. We will offer this class, for free, in the weeks ahead.

• Be mindful of the culture of violence your child and the community’s children are exposed to through video games, media, internet, literature, etc.

The Funhouse Commons has decided that in light of recent events and the committee’s report, we will no longer allow violent video games at The Funhouse (some of which had previously been allowed during teen hours).

• Identification and support of community spaces and venues which promote healthy social interaction

There are many other great places for youth in the community; in the schools, the library, and churches. The Funhouse Commons has been such a community space for more than a decade, in particular a place dedicated to young people. These are all non-profits, and they need your support.

• Support funding for school, mental health, and recreation programs

As above, there are many important agencies and non-profits on Orcas providing the programs and support that are key to keeping everyone, especially children, safe. All of them need your help—as a volunteer and/or as a donor. An excellent source of information on all of these agencies is the Orcas Island Community Foundation. Please consider contacting OICF ( to find out how you can take action towards making Orcas a safer and better place.

Founded by generous members of the Orcas Island community in 2000, The Funhouse Commons is a 501(c)3 non- profit community center with hands-on science exhibits, multi-media labs, art studio, recording studio, climbing wall and much more. The Funhouse Commons also provides essential Teen, After School, Education and Mentor programs for the youth of Orcas Island.