Ever wondered what eelgrass is and why it’s important? Join us to learn about Friends of the San Juans’ “Anchor Out” program and what boaters can do to help protect this critical habitat for salmon and orca.

They will also be presenting other green boating practices including boating around whales, marina resources and other info for boating in the San Juans this summer.

Join us for this fun and informative, first ever hybrid event (at the library AND by Zoom) on July 22 at 6 p.m. More details (including the date of a repeat performance later this summer) will be available on the library website later this month.

Click to download the Anchor Out map!


**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**