How ink gets into a writer's blood -- Doe Bay Print workshop on June 14. Photo courtesy of powerand website

Moveable Type will be setting up shop Doe Bay Resort and Retreat on Tuesday, June 14 for an afternoon of printing demos, studio/truck tours, and tall tales about life on the road. This event will be open to the public and participants can expect to get their hands dirty and make a few prints to take home with them.

Moveable Type is a mobile print shop built into the back of a 1982 Chevy step van. Within these tight quarters, artist and expert Kyle Durrie has created an efficient and fully functional shop, with a small table top press for printing smaller work, and a larger proof press, capable of printing larger posters.

Kyle Durrie is the proprietor of Power and Light Press, and has been printing since 2006. This June, she’ll be embarking on an 8+ month tour all over North America to share the good word about printing the old fashio She got her start through classes at the Independent Publishing Resource Center (Portland, OR) and Pratt Art Center (Seattle, Wash.), as well as through independent study and apprenticeships at Blue Barnhouse (Asheville, NC) and Wolfe Editions (Portland, Maine). Power and Light Press is based out of Portland, Ore.

The workshop will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14. Call the front desk at Doe Bay to sign up for this FREE event!  360-376-229


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