February 18, from 5 to 8 p.m., Senior Center

Returning by popular request on Saturday, February 18, Catherine Henderson, Ph.D., A.R.N.P., will “continue the conversation” from her fall seminar titled, “Knowing Your Child and Your Child Knowing You.”

The seminar will be at the Senior Center from 5 to 8 p.m. and is intended for parents and grandparents of infants and preschoolers. Free childcare at the Senior Center, as well as free pizza and refreshments, will be provided for attendees. The event is sponsored by the Orcas Medical Foundation.

“We’ll review, then pick up where we left off, focusing on infants and preschoolers,” said Catherine. “New attendees are welcome. There are no prerequisites.” Last October, more than 20 Orcas Island moms, dads and grandparents attended Henderson’s first seminar.

“We barely scratched the surface,” said one attendee. “Catherine had so much to offer, responded to so many questions, and stimulated so much discussion. We all wanted more!”

Tamara Joyner, R.N., San Juan County public health nurse, added, “I thought it was fabulous how Catherine broke things down into easily understandable parts. This is a great new resource for parents and expectant parents on Orcas Island. I hope the Foundation continues to offer health-education programs such as this.”

Ms. Henderson is an advanced registered nurse practitioner with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. She is a training and supervising child and adult psychoanalyst at the Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute and a faculty member at the Center of Infant Mental Health at the University of Washington.

Her private practice is in Bellevue, where she sees mothers and infants, children, adolescents and adults for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Catherine is a member of the Orcas Medical Foundation board of directors.