The Liddle Assistance Dog School, also known as LADS LLC, graduated its first fourteen dogs in Basic Obedience Grade One in a gathering at the Odd Fellows Hall on Sunday afternoon Nov. 28.

Grade One is equivalent to Kindergarten; it is the introduction to good manners and teaches the basic skills to both handler and dog that all dogs need in order to live in harmony with their people and in the community at large. By the end of the six-week course the dogs are noticeably calmer and  able to perform  about eight important commands.

Using positive reinforcement and very patient upbeat service dog training techniques Liddle teaches the dogs to think and to make good choices – for which they are rewarded. “Dogs are extremely intuitive, and highly intelligent, and they are the only animal that has lived with and evolved with us as a helpmate for over 15,000 years,”  Liddle says. “They deserve our gratitude and our respect, and they deserve good training. Going to school should always be fun, challenging, and must always end with the happy feeling of success.”

For information on future classes contact Lesley at 376-6220.