Everyone Welcome! Join us online via Zoom
Sunday, March 28, 4:00-5:30 p.m.


Help shape the future of your co-op by participating in breakout group discussions, hear the latest developments with key co-op programs and expansion projects, and learn about plans to
support cooperative development and a solidarity economy in the islands. What role can the cooperative model play in creating a more resilient post-pandemic economy? Come find out!

Following updates from our Board President and General Manager, we are excited to welcome Cooperative Development Consultant Holly O’Neil and Cooperative Development Specialists
John McNamara and Deborah Craig from the Northwest Cooperative Development Center. This team will be announcing strategies for supporting cooperative development in the islands,
including a “Co-op Academy” taking place later this spring, as well as sharing examples of how other communities are building their cooperative networks.

Following these updates and presentations we will split into virtual breakout rooms organized around ideas shared at last fall’s Annual Meeting and categorized into five buckets – Education and Events, Store Products and Offerings, Store Services and Programs, Community Partnerships, and Cooperative Ecosystem Development.

This year is the midway point in our 5-year Strategic Plan, and these breakout discussions will be a part of informing our Strategic Plan review that will be conducted throughout 2021.

To help ensure a smooth process we are asking participants to pre-register and to select the breakout discussion topic you’d like to participate in. Those who pre-register will also be entered into our Gratitude Giveaway, with a chance to win one of three gift baskets worth $75 each, or a grand prize basket worth $150! Must be present, and an Orcas Food Co-op Member, to win.

Pre-register for Expanding the Circle of Cooperation online at orcasfood.coop/2021-annual-meeting-registration.

You can learn more about the Northwest Cooperative Development Center at nwcdc.coop/. Follow the Expanding the Circle of Cooperation Facebook event page for event updates
and reminders.

For more information contact community@orcasfood.coop.