— from Susan McBain for Orcas Food Bank —

The Orcas Food Bank board thanks its heroic manager, Jeannie Doty, and friends for opening the Food Bank during regular hours on Tuesday, Feb. 12. Jeannie called up the nearest volunteers and even got the parking lot plowed, so that those who need food could get it in the “worst of times” — which this storm certainly was! Her co-heroes were Steve Jehly, John Fleischer, Barb Griffin, Ron Griffin (for plowing the parking lot), Sandi Harper, Kate Jewell, Ezekiel Barr, Kerry Quirk, and Merry Bush.

Extra credit goes to Velma Doty, who put on the Tuesday lunch at the Community Church all by herself! 

The Food Bank will be CLOSED Thursday evening because of safety concerns in dark, potentially icy conditions. We will be open again Tuesday. If a situation is urgent, call the Food Bank at 4445 or see our Contact Us web page