And sign up to become a Legion member too!

The 34th Annual American Legion Salmon Derby takes place this weekend, Feb. 16 and 17.

The entry fee is $50, and the First Prize Award is $1,100, with over $2,600 in prize money plus door prizes for Derby entrants!

The Salmon Derby is the Orcas Legion’s main winter event, and it coincides with its Saturday Membership Drive, where the public can learn about the benefits in becoming a member of the American Legion.

The Post goes all out to welcome the community and visiting fisher-folk for the derby, with dinners open to derby entrants as well as the general public at the Legion Post on Friday through Sunday, costing $8 each night.

  • Friday is hamburgers (David Resch’s special)  with homemade potato salad,
  • Saturday is spaghetti night (Patty Resch’s special),
  • Sunday is Hot Turkey Sandwiches.  (no cooking at home, ladies!)

The Grand Prize and other awards for the Derby will take place Sunday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m.

The American Legion Post #93 is located at 703 Crescent Beach Drive, near the Country Corner intersection, phone 376-4987.

The registration deadline is Friday, February 15 at midnight.To register for the derby which is open to the public, go to

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help, war-time veterans organization. A community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members — men and women — in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts worldwide. These posts are organized into 55 departments — one each for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the Philippines.