San Juan County Health and Community Services staff provided the first COVID vaccine to islanders on Wednesday, Dec. 30.

A picture containing person, indoor, wall</p><p>Description automatically generatedAs per state and federal guidelines, initial distribution is limited to healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and long-term care facility staff and residents. This group is known as Phase 1a.

This first clinic was held on San Juan Island, and more than 50 individuals received the vaccine.

The Health and Community Services team will move to Orcas for a clinic on the 31st, and plans are underway for a Lopez clinic soon. Some Shaw Island first responders participated in the San Juan Island clinic.

Going forward, clinics will be held regularly on a rotating schedule until all Phase 1a individuals are vaccinated.

As guidelines for future phases are released by WA State Department of Health, and as vaccine supplies allow, additional groups of islanders will be eligible for the vaccine. The primary means of vaccine distribution in future phases will be via participating island medical providers and pharmacies.

For more details on specifics of the COVID vaccine and San Juan County’s current plans for distribution, please review this recent FAQ, or this media release announcing the first arrival of vaccine in the islands.

San Juan County has a web page devoted to COVID vaccine efforts, with links to other useful resources.