Ossman's appearance at Doe Bay Resort Café this Friday is a free event

Updated April 7 at 10 p.m.

Contributed by Jennifer Brennock

David Ossman of the well-known Firesign Theatre is coming to Orcas Island to perform at Doe Bay Resort on Friday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. To see the show, reservations are required as seating in the café  is limited. Call the cafe at 376-8059.

Ossman is poet, comedian, producer, anthologist, and teacher. He is best known for his role as George Tirebiter in Firesign Theatre’s “Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers.” Ossman’s collection of radio interviews, “The Sullen Art,” is considered a Beat-era classic.

Firesign Theatre’s four-member troupe has entertained for decades with stream of consciousness performances that reference politics and pop culture mixed with sound effects and music. Comprised of Ossman, Phil Proctor, Peter Bergman, and Phil Austin, Firesign debuted on radio in 1966 with a three-hour mock news broadcast
Recently, Ossman published a book of poetry, Fools & Death, and a mystery novel, The Ronald Reagan Murder Case.

Held in the Doe Bay Resort café, the Ossman show is free to attend. The café will serve diners starting at 5 P.M. and reservations are required due to limited seating. Call the café at 376-8059 for information.

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