April 8 ~ May 11, 2013

............................CALLS FOR SERVICE
 ....................This Report ........Year to Date
 EMS..................  34....................209
 Fire/Other........     20....................67
 Total................. 54.................. .276
 2012..........   1/1/12–5/11/12..............232
 Year to date responses have increased 19%

Fire Chief’s Goals and Priorities for 2013

  • Execute the mission of OIFR through direction of the Board of Commissioners
  • Improve and maintain fiscal accountability for all OIFR operations
  • Provide positive leadership for OIFR and our community
  • Improve reliability and performance for OIFR
  • Update the OIFR strategic plan
  • Provide sound management and oversight for all operations, equipment, facilities, projects and programs for OIFR
    • Update all policy, procedures and guidelines
    • Improve all communications (Radio, Interdepartmental, Community)
    • Expand public programs
  • Foster open and clear communications with the Orcas Island Community and our surrounding partners

Notable Alarms

Garage Fire Thursday, April 18, OIFR units responded to a home in the Cedar Hill neighborhood for the report of a garage fire. Arriving responders found a small fire in a garage that had been extinguished by the homeowner. The fire was determined to be caused by a mechanical problem with a small gasoline engine and was immediately put out by the homeowner with a garden hose. One civilian on location was treated and released for minor smoke inhalation. There was minimal damage to the garage.

Propane Leak Thursday, April 25, OIFR units responded to a report of a propane leak behind a business in Eastsound. Responders found a slow leak in a small propane tank and secured the leak. There was no damage to property.

Aid Call Friday, May 3, OIFR personnel assisted a female patient who was brought to our Eastsound Station 21 for an emergent medical problem. The patient was treated and transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingam.

Aid Call Wednesday, May 5, OIFR personnel assisted a female patient who was reported to be ill. After a medical evaluation and consultation with the patient’s primary care physician on Orcas Island, the patient was left at home in care of family members.

News and Events

Strategic Planning The OIFR Strategic Planning Work Group has continued its work in preparing a five-year strategic plan. The team plans to have a draft to the Board of Fire Commissioners next month for their consideration of approval.

Volunteer Recruit Training Our 22 new firefighters have completed their training that culminated in realistic live-fire training at the Washington State Fire Training Center in North Bend. At the training center, the new members learned how to fight interior structure fires and practiced the systems and techniques of search and rescue in homes, businesses, and other occupancies. A formal graduation will be held on May 14, 6:00 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

Orcas Cares Program The Orcas Cares program has proven to be a success since it’s inception in April. Through partnerships with the San Juan County Sheriff, Orcas Senior Center, Orcas Island Medical Foundation, Lahari, and other organizations with an interest in providing assistance to others. three Orcas citizens have received assistance through Orcas Cares to date.

OIFR Newsletter In an effort to improve our communications and outreach to the Orcas Island Community, OIFR produced of a quarterly newsletter, “Siren,” that was mailed to all Orcas Island addresses. Special thanks to OIFR member Patricia Ayers for taking the lead on this project.

Radio Communications Committee OIFR continues to work with, the Sherriff’s Dept., SJC Dept. of Emergency Management, SJC Public Works, OPALCO, and our local HAM radio operators to improve radio communications for emergency response.

Deer Harbor Station 24 Open House An Open House for the recently completed Deer Harbor Station 24 was held on Saturday, April 20, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Approximately 100 people attended the event and toured the station that holds an aid unit, a WASP fire engine, and a tanker truck. OIFR plans to have a volunteer resident living in the station with the ability to respond to alarms and other requests for assistance.

John Cavalli Memorial On April 27, OIFR hosted a memorial service for esteemed, retired Acting Chief/Battalion Chief John Cavalli. John began serving the citizens of Orcas Island on August 26, 1982 and served his island neighbors over 17 years both as a Firefighter and reserve Deputy Sheriff.

Federal Official Visits On Friday, May 10, Chief O’Brien accompanied by his son, Cadet Keenan O’Brien, met with the local search and rescue officers of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, United States Coast Guard, and the U.S. Navy to thank them for their service to Orcas and the San Juan Islands. Captain Rita Harvey provided care packages of baked goods, which were given to each of the service branches and were greatly appreciated. (Thank you Rita!)

Looking Ahead

Graduation of our 23 new volunteer firefighters was held Thursday May 14th at the Eastound Fire Hall.

OIFR participated in a community-based drill in Deer Harbor on Saturday, May 18, simulating a wild fire on Spring Point. Other agencies participating were the San Juan County Sheriff, San Juan County Department of Emergency Management, U.S. Coast Guard, Airlift Northwest and The Red Cross.

Next week, Chief O’Brien will be attending the Washington Association of Fire Chief’s Annual Conference in Yakima. Of particular discussion will be the criteria used by the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau in assigning insurance ratings to property in Washington State.