from Kevin K. O’Brien, Fire Chief/CEO
Orcas Island Fire and Rescue

Calls for Service

This Report Year to Date
EMS 42 562
Fire/Other 16 183
Total 58 745
2011 664

*Year to date responses have increased 12%

Fire Chief’s Goals and Priorities for 2012

• Execute the mission of OIFR through direction of the Board of Commissioners
• Establish and maintain fiscal accountability for all OIFR operations
• Effectively lead the people of OIFR
• Provide management and oversight for all operations, equipment, facilities, projects and programs for OIFR
• Station 24 Completion
• Wildland Risk Analysis
• Immersion into the operations, culture, and customs of OIFR
• Foster open and clear communications with the Orcas Island Community and our surrounding partners in emergency response
• Evaluate the current operations and organizational structure
• Monitor and plan for the future

News and Events

Thank you to Orcas taxpayers! In 1999 Orcas voters approved a bond initiative to improve fire and EMS services for our island. Our service has improved and we are pleased to announce that Orcas Island Fire and Rescue has made its last bond payment early saving taxpayers three years of interest amounting to $69,420.

The original bond total was $2,000,000, issued in 2000 with the first payment in 2001 and scheduled to continue through 2014. The bond was issued to facilitate the following improved projects:

• Construction of the Eastsound Fire Station • Purchase of the West Sound Fire Station • Construction of the Deer Harbor Fire Station • The purchase of six fire engines, two tanker trucks, and a rescue truck. • Enhancement of benefits for the volunteers of OIFR.

Administrative Assistant Lindsay Schirmer visited the Valley Regional Fire Authority to observe their operations and administrative practices.

Chief O’Brien attended San Juan County Fire Chief’s meeting in Friday Harbor. Agenda items included 911 Communications and the public safety vessel grant.

We continue our search for a District Financial Officer. Our search Committee met Friday 12/7 and we will be closing the application period Tuesday, 12/11. Interviews are slated to commence the week of 12/17. (Currently, we have about 6 applicants).

Over the last nine months since you hired me, I have been evaluating the overall performance and reliability of our great organization. I am proud and grateful to be a member of OIFR as I think we accomplish great things. In everything we do I want to be assured that we are delivering the most effective service to our citizens. Part of my analysis has been the comprehensive evaluation of the Division Chief program. While I believe the people who are the Division Chiefs are amazing professionals for whom I hold a high level of respect, I have come to the conclusion that the way in which the program is organized does not achieve the best results for our operations.

With the support of our commissioners, we will making some organizational changes targeted for January 1, 2013.

The Division Chief Program will end on December 31, 2012.

An organizational structure that I believe will best serve the people of Orcas Island is the establishment of an Assistant Chief to assist me in leading and managing our operations. I am pleased to announce that Division Chief Mik Preysz has accepted the position of Assistant Chief contingent upon a contract agreement that we are currently crafting. Mik is an excellent chief officer and gentleman with many years of experience in public service. He knows our system and the island well and will be moving here and working a “normal” schedule similar to mine. His new position is currently planned to begin on January 1, 2013 and he will maintain his paramedic certification. With Mik’s strong leadership and organizational skills here every day, we increase our reliability in responding to incidents by having a backup paramedic on the island 7 days a week.

On 12/18/2012 the Commissioners approved Mik’s contract. Formalization and “signing” of the contract will occur at our January 8th BOFC meeting.

An announcement for the full time firefighter/maintenance technician will be advertised this week with an application deadline of January 12. After testing and interviews, I hope to have the position filled by February 1.

Captain Chad Kimple and Lieutenant Rich Harvey have been commissioned in an acting capacity. On December 11, 2011 they will receive promotions to “tenured” positions.

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue is proud to announce the recruitment of 22 new members who will begin their training this week at “Recruit Orientation.” We welcome the following Orcas neighbors to OIFR:

We are currently working on a job description and salary analysis of all our employees.

Looking Ahead

This Wednesday 12/12 and Thursday 12/13 at 6:00 p.m. we will be hosting orientation for our 22 new firefighter recruits.

The Washington State Auditor will be making a field visit this Friday 12/14 while Rick is in town. I will give you an update regarding how the visit goes.

We are initiating an “in-house” promotional process for Station Lieutenant. Currently, we have vacancies at Stations 22 and 27.

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue continues our recruitment campaign for firefighter maintenance technician.

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