February 12 through March 11, 2013

............................CALLS FOR SERVICE
 ....................This Report ........Year to Date
 EMS..................  46....................122
 Fire/Other........     16....................32
 Total................. 62.................. .154
 2012..........   1/1/12–3/11/12..............110
 Year to date responses have increased 40%

Fire Chief’s Goals and Priorities for 2013

  • Execute the mission of OIFR through direction of the Board of Commissioners
  • Improve and maintain fiscal accountability for all OIFR operations
  • Provide positive leadership for OIFR and our community
  • Improve reliability and performance for OIFR
  • Update the OIFR strategic plan
  • Provide sound management and oversight for all operations, equipment, facilities, projects and programs for OIFR
  • Update all policy, procedures and guidelines
  • Improve all communications (Radio, Interdepartmental, Community)
  • Expand public programs
  • Foster open and clear communications with the Orcas Island Community and our surrounding partners

Multiple EMS Air Transports

On the afternoon of February 14, 2013, two emergency medical alarms were dispatched within minutes of each other. Both patients required air transportation to mainland hospitals. Due to inclement weather, Airlift Northwest helicopter services and San Juan Island Air Ambulance were unavailable. Airlift Northwest was able to dispatch their turbo-commander propeller airplane for one of the patients. The second patient was able to fly with a United States Navy helicopter dispatched from Whidbey Naval Air Station. Both patients were successfully transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham.

Car Fire

On March 8, 2013, OIFR was dispatched to a vehicle fire in the Deer Harbor area and arrived to find a 1923 Model T Ford in the middle of a residential road with an engine compartment fire. Units quickly extinguished the fire and secured a fuel line that was leaking. There were no injuries to civilians or responders

Smoke in a Residence

On March 10, 2013, OIFR was called to a Deer Harbor home for the report a possible residential fire with smoke in a home. Arriving response personnel found food in a microwave oven had burned resulting in smoke dispersion in the home. There was no fire extension, no damage to the home and no injuries to citizens or responders.

OIFR encourages everyone to have a working fire extinguisher in their vehicle as well as the home. ~ Without a membership, Airlift Northwest transports are costly. Memberships are available at $79 per year. Contact us for more information.


Deer Harbor Station 24

Orcas Island Fire and Rescue is pleased to announce that the construction of Station 24 in Deer Harbor has been completed. Station 24 provides our community with improved services facilitating the ability to staff the station with firefighters and a complement of four fire/rescue vehicles. We wish to thank our citizens for their support of the project and Gulliver Rankin owner of Natural Home Builders for completing the final phase of the project on budget and on time.

OIFR Town Hall Meeting

On Thursday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall, OIFR hosted a “town hall” meeting to ask our public to comment on the following questions:

  • How should OIFR be involved in the operations, maintenance and expenses for the Marine Operations User’s Group?
  • To what extent should the Fire District provide or pay for services outside of the district’s boundaries?
  • How should the district operate and fund the following?
  • Medical transport to the mainland
  • Marine search and rescue operations
  • Assistance to other islands whose residents do not provide financial support to any fire district
  • Should the district seek reimbursement for any of the services mentioned above?

Maintenance Technician-Responder

Over the dates of February 8, 9, 15, and 16, seven candidates completed an assessment center including test components covering basic math, language, physical fitness, practical mechanical skills, a mechanical aptitude test, an oral board interview, and two driving interviews. Assessors from OIFR membership scored the exams. At the end of the assessment center, an eligibility list was established with each candidate ranked by their overall performance. The top three candidates advanced to the final components of the process which included a background check and a chief’s interview. I am very pleased to let you know that Jack Delisle has been hired for the position. With Jack’s high level of knowledge, skills, and abilities, we can be assured a well running fleet and improved facility maintenance. Jack knows the emergency response business as he has been connected to it for many years.

Strategic Planning

On Thursday, February 28, at 4:00 p.m., OIFR assembled a strategic planning workgroup who will develop a five-year strategic plan to present to our commissioners. The workgroup is comprised of 18 members with equal representation from community members and OIFR leadership, staff, and volunteers. The workgroup is being lead by Dr. Art Lange who has helped many organizations with strategic planning. Members of the workgroup will be engaging other Orcas Island community members in focus group inquiries. Information from the focus groups will be used to craft the plan. Completion of the plan is scheduled for early May.

Volunteer Recruit Training

OIFR continues training our 22 new recruits. Over the course of two weekends in March, our recruits were trained in the response protocols and operations of hazardous materials incidents. The recruit academy is scheduled to end in April culminating in arduous training at the Washington State Fire Training Center in North Bend. At the training center, our recruits will learn how to fight interior structure fires and practice the systems and techniques of search and rescue in homes, businesses, and other occupancies. After the academy, recruits will have the opportunity to take National Certification Exams. A formal graduation ceremony is scheduled for May 14.

Senior Assistance

OIFR recognizes the need to enhance services to our Island Seniors and others with disabilities. With this in mind, we are seeking partnerships with the San Juan County Sheriff, Orcas Senior Center, Orcas Island Medical Foundation, Lahari, and other organizations with an interest in providing assistance to others. In a pilot program, Senior Center Director Marla Johns will be working with OIFR and SJC Sheriff’s Department to help seniors who require help in emergent situations. Marla’s husband, Deputy Steve Johns is representing the SJC Sheriff in this program.

Looking Ahead

On April 27, OIFR will be hosting a memorial service for esteemed, retired Battalion Chief John Cavalli.

Graduation of our new volunteer recruits is scheduled for May 14th.