Wednesday, June 10 at 7 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Katie Fleming —

OracPodTanker_by Chris Teren

Orca Pod and Tanker, by Chris Teren

The San Juans Alliance and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation are co-sponsoring a free screening of “Directly Affected” on June 10 at 7 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall in Eastsound. This Canadian film tells the story of the people impacted in our neighboring British Columbia by Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion.

The filmmakers will be present and there will be discussion about the proposed pipeline’s impact on the San Juan Islands and how islanders can help send our message across the border.

“This is an inspiring film about people standing up to protect their environment, economy, and their culture. It is important that we look at all proposed fossil fuel export projects from Canadian and the U.S. with an eye toward impacts of increased vessel traffic and safety to our shared Salish Sea,” said Stephanie Buffum, FRIENDS of the San Juans’ Executive Director.

Directly Affected was produced in response to the frustration felt by communities across B.C. who wanted their voices heard in regard to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion proposal. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act requires that applicants for public participation in the National Energy Board (NEB) review of the Kinder Morgan proposal prove they were either “directly affected” or had relevant knowledge or expertise. This qualification, coupled with a seemingly intentionally onerous online application process, left many individuals and grassroots groups excluded from sharing their opinions in the review process.

Raincoast teamed up with two Vancouver film-makers, Zach Embree and Devyn Brugge, to produce “Directly Affected.” From First Nations to Burnaby homeowners and Chilliwack fishermen to Gulf Islands residents the film will tell how we are all directly affected. Learn more about the film here:

The San Juans Alliance is comprised of FRIENDS of the San Juans, Lopez NO COALition, Orcas NO COALition, and San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping.